Rad! 46
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Mom, Can I Take Horseback Riding Lessons?

Up for the gals on day 2 of this battle of the sexes week is Nikelle Orellana. A nice girl when you first meet her. A sassy thing on the second and third encounters. A straight up crass individual when you become friends with her. She’s right up our alley. She enlightens us with some added background about her post….

“In grad school I started working on a personal project called Momisms, where I took things my mom used to say to me and turned them into typographic illustrations. This is Momism #7 created exclusively for FOT. Here’s the back story…

When I was in middle school I had a bunch friends who spent their summer break at camp. I had one friend in particular who learned how to horseback ride while she was away, and that was all she talked about when she got back to school. I remember being jealous that I didn’t get to go to camp or ride horses. When I asked my mom if I could could take horseback riding lessons, she just looked at me straight faced and said “women who ride horses are loose.” I had no idea what she meant by that at the time, but I knew it wasn’t a good thing. I never asked her for riding lessons again.

Let it be known that while I don’t necessarily agree with my mother’s statement, I am grateful for her words of wisdom. That shit was tight…”

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