Hardcover Classics Ed. 1

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Refund Rarity

Better than last year.

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Corner Store

We are pleased to announce our contribution with Design Museum London for #FontSunday. Although most of the content on Friends of Type is lettering we could not turn down an opportunity to participate. To make our challenge fun we decided to pick a theme for #FontSunday called ‘City Type’ in which we made letterforms that pay homage to the cities we dwell in. Of the four members of Friends of Type 3 of us live in Brooklyn. It’s only right to pay respect to the corner store bodegas that inhabit every block of this borough so colorfully with their signage.

In true #FontSunday fashion it is only appropriate to see how the rest of you type and lettering nerds will represent on this theme. Remember when you tweet an example of your work to include #FontSunday at the end of your tweet. Let the games begin!

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Painted Ladies

We are pleased to announce our contribution with Design Museum London for #FontSunday. Although most of the content on Friends of Type is lettering we could not turn down an opportunity to participate.  To make our challenge fun we decided to pick a theme for #FontSunday called ‘City Type’ in which we made letterforms that pay homage to the cities we dwell in. Since I live in San Francisco here is my city type called, ‘Painted Ladies‘. It pays homage to the decorative facades seen on many of the Victorian and Edwardian homes in SF.

In true #FontSunday fashion it is only appropriate to see how the rest of you type and lettering nerds will represent on this theme. Remember when you tweet an example of your work to include #FontSunday at the end of your tweet. Let the games begin!

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Tender Is The Night

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The Radio Says

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my little words

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Can I get a…


Das Model Kit

Kraftwerk x MoMA

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for alyce

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B-Day Bros.

A happy birthday to EM, GR and all the other March 26th Aries out there.

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