Rad! 43
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for the gullet

If you haven’t read Frank Chimero’s series The Back Side of Your Gullet Is Decadent and Depraved, you must. It’s a great series of stories that amounts to an introspection and examination of the state design at once. I found it personally relevant while contemplating my studio, this blog, and my application to Type@Cooper. This post cannot satisfy the way his writing does, but I hope it lands somewhere near the “Fun and Nourishing” quadrant.

nourish sketch iphoto

I was running out of daylight and beer, so I quickly sketched the salient word from Frank’s piece. I thought a positive, upright, friendly script with some surprising connections might reflect how the article inspired me.


After an amazing dinner (thanks to Kelly), I snapped it with my iPhone and went to town in Illustrator. After an hour or so I had something fine (apologies to for a few of those hanging handles, but good extrema!).

Color was easy, given the topic and the nourishing/fun runner up to sex in Frank’s chart is the ripened peach.

The the image with the bezier controls visible was made using the brilliant Anchroman scriptographer script by Karl Badde.

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