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How to be a Friend Workshop

In October of 2012 we conducted a sold out lettering workshop at AIGA/NY called ‘How to be a Friend’. Attendees learned tips, tricks and insight to our process in creating a typical post for Friends of Type. Shown above are 17 ampersand examples created by each participant. Hover over the image to see who created what!

Fig.1 Rietje Gieskes / Fig.2 Tom Losinski / Fig.3 Jillian Adel /
Fig.4 Crystal Ellis / Fig.5 Carolyn Louth / Fig.6 Bryan Farevaag /
Fig.7 Sam Becker / Fig.8 Soosan Silanee / Fig.9 Brittney Backos /
Fig.10 Sahana Kumar / Fig.11 Jay Quercia / Fig.12 Nelia Vishnevsky /
Fig.13 Silvia Brown / Fig.14 Sinclair Smith / Fig.15 Madison Schneider /
Fig.16 Jennifer Ross / Fig.17 David Cimorosi


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