Rad! 69
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Aaron has been posting some great process shots of his work in the last couple Cooper Type workshops. I thought it’d be nice to do the same.

It always begins as a sketch for me. I rarely go straight to the computer because I get caught up quickly in the details. Sketching allows me to evolve a post
in a systematic way. It helps me decide what parts to push and pull from the letterforms. From here I trace, trace, trace and retrace until I feel the composition begins to feel unique.

I then select my favorite sketch, scan it in and trace over it using the pen tool in illustrator. Then onto the digital exploratory part. This phase can take minutes but most of the time hours. As you can see in the image below more pushing and pulling of elements happen. Eventually it gets to a place where I am happy with it and then I ship it off to Photoshop to add the texture. Until the next one.

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